Gridiron Gang
Inspired by a 1993 television documentary, this film chronicles events at Camp Kilpatrick, a real juvenile detention center in Los Angeles County. The Rock plays a counselor turned coach who uses football to give purpose and direction to a group of at-risk boys, in the hopes of leveling the sky-high recidivism rate.
- Starring: Dwayne Johnson, Xzibit, L. Scott Caldwell
- Director(s): Phil Joanou
- Producer(s): Neal H. Moritz
- Screenwriter(s): Jeff Maguire
- Distributor: Columbia Pictures
- Animal Coordinator: Gentle Jungle
- Release Date: Friday, September 15, 2006
Featured Animal Action
In the opening shot, a coyote trots across a hillside at night. One trainer released "Cody" the coyote from his crate and a second handler standing approximately 80 feet away used a buzzer to cue Cody over to another crate at the end mark. The Safety Representative monitoring the action requested that the production lock off movement at the base of the hill where crew members were wandering around because coyotes are easily distracted.